Regular Giving 4

Regular Giving

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Running the church and keeping it open costs over £6,900 per week, or more than £980 every day.

We have to raise ALMOST ALL of this money ourselves – we receive virtually no external funding.

While we work hard to maximise income from a variety of sources, Planned Giving is still our principal source of income.

We are hugely grateful for those who use Planned Giving. We would not be able to keep the church open and provide our regular services and the wealth of other activities without your continued generosity.

Please click here to fill in a regular giving pledge form.

  • It is projected to cost over £360,000 this year to run this historic church and keep it open, seven days a week.

    In common with all of us, the increased cost of living has greatly impacted many aspects of the church’s finances. While the new lighting system has significantly reduced our electricity consumption, our overall energy costs are considerably higher. In addition, our expanded level of activity and cost of living pay increases mean that we now incur higher staff costs plus our curate’s stipend.

    We also have several major capital projects in prospect. Last year’s statutory Quinquennial Inspection by our Church Architect identified several issues with our Grade 1 listed building which will require costly remedial work in both the short and medium term.

    The Parish Support Fund is the contribution every church makes to support God’s ministry across the Diocese. The Vicar’s stipend, pension and accommodation costs are met by the Diocese out of this Fund.

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Our expected income from all sources this year is expected to be around £326,000.

This includes planned giving under our Planned Giving Scheme, use of the church by external organisations for concerts and events, rent for running the children’s entertainments and the Christmas Market on the north lawn, rent of the café in the east end and rent of the shop owned by the diocese in Union Street.


Our Future

  • While we work hard to maximise income from a variety of sources, Planned Giving is still our principal source of income.
  • We are hugely grateful for those who use Planned Giving. We would not be able to keep the church open and provide our regular services and the wealth of other activities without your continued generosity.
  • However, we need to increase our income from Planned Giving by at least £20,000 if we are to be able to face the future confident that we will have the resources to expand our mission and maintain All Saints’ position at the heart of Kingston life.
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Your Part

  • To cover our predicted shortfall, we would need 20 new families to pledge £80 per month, existing givers to pledge an extra £15 per month, or a combination of both.
  • If you are already signed up for pledged giving, thank you for your support, and please think about what you can give in 2024-25.
  • If you are new to All Saints, or give at the moment through the Sunday plate collection, please consider switching to pledged giving and Gift Aid your donations.
  • You decide how much to give, the amount that you give is known only by the Treasurer and the Planned Giving Secretary and you can change your standing order at any time.
  • Please review your giving prayerfully and ponder how you can play your part in looking after our wonderful church and the All Saints community.
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All Saints, like many churches, has always benefited from generous legacies. These gifts often enable the church to do capital projects or fund new initiatives, neither of which are covered by our regular income.

Recent examples of this are the lighting project, the renovation of the organ, new choir robes and two of the Saxon King Embroideries. These make a lasting impact on our mission, enabling us to keep the church open and ‘bringing faith to life in the centre of Kingston’.

Please consider leaving a gift to All Saints in your will. We have a legacy policy which ensures that gifts will be designated to specific projects rather than spent on our regular running costs.

What if you don’t yet have a will? Will writing can often seem like a time-consuming and difficult thing to do – and that’s a big reason why many people put it off. To make it easier, the Church of England has partnered with Farewill, the UK’s favourite will writer, to offer a free online will writing service which you can do from the comfort of your home in less than 30 minutes.

Further information

and a link to Farewill can be found on the Church of England website www.churchofengland .org/faith-life/lasting-gift-your-church /leaving-legacy

Link to Church of England Will writing page
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