This page includes a number of short films, talks and documentaries featuring or taking place at All Saints Kingston.
We have two You Tube channels, one for watching our regular services and the other for short films and documentaries which you can access by clicking the button.
You can find further films by searching YouTube using our name; All Saints Church Kingston
All Saints You Tube link
The Seven Saxon Kings Embroidery Film
This short film was premiered in September 2025 to showcase our exciting Seven Saxon Kings Embroidery Project.
Seven Kings of England are traditionally accepted to have been crowned in Kingston upon Thames over a thousand years ago. The Seven Saxon Kings Embroidery project was set up to honour this legacy through the creation of a series of contemporary life sized yet intricate embroidery panels of the kings, four of which are now complete and available to view in the East end of All Saints Kingston. Our ambitious project highlights our rich historical significance both regionally and nationally, fostering local identity in Kingston and drawing nationwide audiences to this somewhat less recognised period of our heritage.
Funded by Kingston First Community fund, written and produced by local filmmaker Adam Woods, director of Photography Mikhail Tiutin, Storyteller Sarah Cantrill.
Click to watch film
Who was King Athelstan and why did he choose to be crowned in Kingston upon Thames?
Sarah Foot, Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History, University of Oxford, explains the importance of Kingston Upon Thames in the establishment of the English monarchy during the Anglo Saxon period and why it was the setting for the crowning of Athelstan, the very first English King to rule over of England.
Click here to watch the short film
Angelica Bell Introduction to All Saints.
Narrated by television and radio presenter, Angelica Bell, well known from her work on CBBC and being co-presenter on the Martin Lewis Money Show, this short 6 minute film gives a brief introduction to All Saints Kingston.
Click to watch film
Faith Talks
Our Faith talks are a series of FREE “Town Hall” style debates, centred on important issues affecting the UK.
Featuring a number of well known expert speakers including Lord Alderdice, former Speaker of the Northen Ireland Assembly and leader of the Alliance party, James Robbins Former BBC Diplomatic Editor and Dr Krish Kandiah, founder of the Sanctuary Foundation with interesting panels led by Bishop Martin and questions from the audience encouraged. “Faith based, but not faith biased”. Each debate was recorded and can be watched by clicking on the below links:

Architect Ptolemy Dean discusses what was considered in the re-ordering of the internal architecture of All Saints Kingston and what it has achieved.
Please also see Kingston Upon Thames, All Saints – The Diocese of Southwark
Click to Watch Film
Jonathan Wilkes, rector of All Saints Kingston 2006 -2021 speaks about the history of All Saints in the community of Kingston, from its ancient Anglo Saxon beginnings up to the present day.
Click here to watch
Rev Jonathan Wilkes speaks about the benefits of the re-ordering of the building in 2013-4
Click here to watch
Angelica Bell Interview
CBBC presenter Angelica Bell gives a short interview on her connection with All Saints Kingston
Click to watch Film
Public Art installation – Echolocation.
Originally shown near the Bishop Pub on the river, this impressive 11m long public artwork video was created by acclaimed artist Mat Collishaw
Echolocation is an eleven-meter-long, three-channel video installation that seeks to excavate more than a millennium of local history.
Using data gathered by Lidar; a method of measuring distances using a pulsed laser to construct a digital 3D representation of space, a virtual version of the church was created. It’s a process that relates to echolocation; the method by which bats navigate, determining the location of objects by sound.
The video is projected onto a semi-transparent fine mesh made from stretched fishing net. (Kingston’s coat of arm consists of three silver salmon on a blue ground, representing three fisheries that are mentioned in the Domesday Book. This gives the images both depth and an ethereal quality like a free-flowing X-ray of an unseen past, a ghostly palimpsest that interrogates the history of this ancient place.
Echolocation: Public Art in Kingston – Kingston upon Thames
All Rights retained by artist. Permission to show film on this site granted by artist.
Click to watch film
All Saints Kingston is one of the founder members of Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness and regularly fund-raise for this important local charity. In October 2024, Joe Moffatt, our vicar, Roshan Jathanna, one of our church wardens, Sarah Cogger, our cafe manager and lead verger Sheila Cheek took part in “The Big Sleep Out”, representing All Saints Kingston to raise much needed funds for Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness (KCAH).
The aim of the Big Sleep Out was to experience what it’s like to spend a night on the streets, giving an insight into the personal impact homelessness has on a person and to help raise vital funds to support KCAH’s programs and services. Sadly, homelessness has risen 30% locally in the past year alone, with people sleeping rough in and around Kingston town centre every night.
“As a founder member of the charity, which offers a safe space for vulnerable people in the local community we want to do whatever we can to make the sleep out a BIG SUCCESS to fund their work. Please give what you can and sponsor the All Saints Team to sleep under the stars in the cold autumn air to raise funds to support KCAH, Kingston’s homelessness charity since 1993.”
Click here to watch some of the talks that took place during the night.
Click to watch film
Official Church of England Online Service Featuring All Saints Kingston
A service for the fourth Sunday of Easter (the CofE Official online service) featuring All Saints with sign language translator
Trailer for the above

Lent Talks
During Lent 2024, we held a series of sermons on the theme of “praying”, click the below links to watch the recordings.
Gemma Simmonds Praying with St Ignatius. Click here to watch
Richard Carter Praying with a Community. Click here to watch
Stephen Cherry Praying with Humility. Click here to watch
Mark Oakley Praying with Poetry. Click here to watch
Pete Greig Praying with the spirit. Click here to watch

Kingston Heritage Podcast
This 2 minute podcast gives a history of All Saints Kingston
Click to listen
Other Short Films
Angelica Bell All Saints as a place of peace and Quiet
Walk around London All Saints Kingston
Pathe Film 1951 Kingston Stone (featuring all saints)
Heritage Lecture Georgian. Julian Pooley
History of All Saints Doomster EG
The importance of Kingston in English History
Cyninges Tun: History of Kingston upon-Thames student short film about the history of Kingston upon Thames. Through a tour guide experience
Culture in Kingston Podcast
Talk on the Stripping of the Altars David Robinson
Kingston | Kingston upon Thames | A Town called…| 1976
Words from the Cross
Joe Moffatt
Lesley Charlton
Teresa James
The origins of the Cafe at All Saints Kingston. Interview with Jonathan Wilkes, Rector of All Saints 2006-2021 and Peter Mayhew-Smith, Principal of Kingston College
All Saints Church Choir Simon Toyne
Kingston Upon Thames Area Guide from Visit London Featuring All Saints
Saxon Fayre 2024 Kingston
Coronation Slideshow
Christian Aid Week 2024
Christian Aid week 2023
Embroidery Panels
APCM 2024
Important Services
Ordination of Priests 2024
Mayoral Service 2024
Civic Service 2023
Vlog 2013
Short video interior of All Saints
All Saints at Christmas 2017
All Saints Church garden and café
Stroll through Kingston Market Town inc All Saints
Bell Ringing
Change Ringing Doc
Bell ringing video (inside) by Bell Ringer Thomas
Bell ringing
The back 8 Bells of Kingston Church
Stedman Cinques at Kingston-upon-Thames, Greater London
Bell Ringing at Kingston (inside), Greater London The Salty Trainspotter
Stedman Triples at Kingston
Vlog bells at all Saints
Grandsire Triples at Kingston
Spliced cinques and maximus
Live Music
Choirs for Chloë & Co. at All Saints Church, organised by The Arts Society Kingston
The Arts Society Kingston Present “Choirs For Everyone” at All Saints Kingston 2019
St Pauls Choir at All Saints Kingston Hallelujah
Joy and Tim Guitar and clarinet
Kingston Rock Choir anytime you need a friend