Holy Communion
NaveSERVICE A Short Early morning Said Holy Communion Service
SERVICE A Short Early morning Said Holy Communion Service
SERVICE Join us for our Choral Eucharist service, sometimes also known as Holy Communion, Mass or The Lord’s Supper. We hold regular Choral Eucharist services on Sundays at 9.30am and 6pm and on Wednesdays at 5.30pm. The service contains Bible readings and prayers, as well as the sharing of consecrated bread and wine, and everyone
Bell Ringing Practice All Saints Kingston hosts a highly experienced and friendly group of Bell ringers who practice on Wednesday evenings and perform service ringing on Sundays. New Bell ringers and visiting bell ringers from other churches are welcome to join, please contact Paul Flavell — Tower Captain Full details are available on their website
SERVICE Join us for our Choral Evensong service featuring one of the best parish choirs in London performing Cathedral quality music. Sundays 6.00-7pm Watch on You Tube All Saints Kingston : Services - YouTube
No Stay & Play this week. Stay and play runs during term time. Tailored for pre-schoolers, children are free to play with age appropriate toys and craft and their parents or carers are offered a listening ear from our DBS vetted volunteers and senior playworker. These sessions typically take place in our Heritage Gallery, please
FREE Monday Lunchtime Recitals Join us for the Spring Season of our highly popular Monday Lunchtime Music every Monday at 1.15pm, this week 17 February featuring Michael Bevan (piano) These concerts are free with an optional retiring collection in support of the musical life of the church. Please see our Website for a programme with
Do you know someone who likes Chess? Kingston Chess club meets every Wednesday 10am - 12noon in the cafe area right in front of our glorious Seven Saxon King Embroideries. It's a great way to meet people who share your interests and to keep your strategic brain keen. All levels welcome, bring your board or
SERVICE Join us for this intimate weekly service of Holy Communion
SERVICE Join us for our Midweek Choral Evensong service featuring one of the best parish choirs in London performing Cathedral quality music. Wednesdays 5.30-6.15pm The service sheet is available on our “Latest News” page Latest news - All Saints Church
Stay and Play is not running this week. Stay and Play runs during term time. Tailored for pre-schoolers, children are free to play with age appropriate toys and craft and their parents or carers are offered a listening ear from our DBS vetted volunteers and senior playworker. These sessions typically take place in our Heritage
SERVICE All are welcome join us for this short and intimate weekly service of Holy Communion
SERVICE A Short Early morning Said Holy Communion Service