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Cherubic Hymn

Tchaikovsky Pyotr Ilyich

Izhe kheruvimï tayno obrazuyushche,
i zhivotvoryashchey Troytsye
trisvyatuyu pyesn pripyevayushche.
Vsyakoye nïnye zhityeskoye otlozhim popyecheniye.
Yako da Tsarya vsyekh podïmyem!
Angelski,inyevidimo dorinosimachinmi,
We who in a mystery represent the Cherubim
and sing the thrice-holy hymn to the life-giving Trinity,
let us now lay aside the cares of this life. Amen.
That we may receive the King of All,
invisibly escorted by the hosts of angels. Alleluia.

from the Liturgy of St John of Chrysostom


Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)

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