Videte miraculum
Videte miraculum matris Domini:
Concepit virgo virilis ignara consortii,
stans onerata nobili onere Maria;
et matrem se laetam cognosci, quae se nescit uxorem.
Haec speciosum forma prae filiis hominum castis concepit visceribus,
et benedicta in aeternum Deum nobis protulit et hominem.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto.
Behold the miracle of the mother of the Lord:
a virgin has conceived though she knows not a man,
Mary, who stands laden with her heavy burden;
knowing not that she is a wife, she rejoices to be a mother.
She has conceived in her chaste womb one who is beautiful beyond the sons of men,
and, blessed for ever, she has brought forth God and man for us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost.
Thomas Tallis (?1505-1585)Other songs by this Composer:
Tallis Thomas
Tallis Thomas
Tallis Thomas
Tallis Thomas
Tallis Thomas
Tallis Thomas
Tallis Thomas
Tallis Thomas
Tallis Thomas